The Knob Quest!

Discuss Yocto construction and related issues
  • Hi ElSchtroumpf,

    Yes I have gone that way aswell, only so far I haven't quite found what I was looking for. Plenty of Chinese suppliers, but still. I'm kinda looking for the smaller versions of the original 808 tempo and volumeknobs.

    I like your links to the banzai and Tonk knobs. Mmmm
  • For the tempo knob I tried this one :
    but it's too small to have the same look as the original. But there's not much freedom there since the print for the tempo ring has a much smaller diameter than the 808. Then again, you could just use a bigger knob and not worry about it covering the print!

    A fellow Yoctoer mentioned these as an option for the instrument knobs :
    They exist in orange as well, but then you'd have to make a custom order, or get them in China (or from another vendor)

    Another option I considered : ... egory&rb=1
  • I used the sifam parts on my MB808, they have the right cap colors, effegee used those knobs on his. The Yocto is a fair bit smaller than the MB808 so I'll probably use the same knobs but half the height.

    In fact, my inventory is low right now so it may be time for a bulk/group order.
  • I just found this now (After looking for a similar post yesterday) and made this post viewtopic.php?f=16&t=811

    Just wondering how everyone got on and what you decided on/discovered? :)