LCD DISPLAY FOR BCF2000 midi conroller

Here we talk about e-licktronic projects (hardware, software) like SquareSeq, Ablickton...
  • Hi EliasO,

    Welcome on board ;) .

    If you want to display custom parameter on LCD depending of a CC number, that's what you need.
    A Midilickuino with a LCBboard.
    Connect BCF Midi OUT to Midilickuino Midi IN.
    You could use the Midi_monitor sketch as the base for your code and modify it like that:

    Code: Select all

    #include <LiquidCrystal.h>
    // initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins 
    LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7);
    #define CC_TYPE 176 //Control change on channel 1
    byte incomingByte;//stock the first receive byte
    byte value;//stock the second receive byte
    byte numCC;// stock the 3rd receive byte
    void setup(){
      // set up the LCD's number of rows and columns:
      lcd.begin(16, 2);
      //set midi baud rate
    void loop() {
      if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        // read the incoming byte:
        incomingByte =;
        if (incomingByte == CC_TYPE){//is it a message Control Change?
          numCC =;
          value =;
          switch (numCC){
          case 1:
            lcd.print("TRACK 1");
          case 2:
            lcd.print("TRACK 2");
          case 3:
            lcd.print("TRACK 3");
          case 4:
            lcd.print("TRACK 4");
          case 5:
            lcd.print("TRACK 5");
    It is an example but you could optimize the code but it gives you the way.

    Best regards,
  • Hey Hello and thanks for the reply!

    Ok, having that said, it would it work for other midi messages too right? Like Pitch bends (is the tracks volumes) and notes.

    And is it possible to connect any lcd size to that board? I would like to connect larger size like 2x24 displays. And is it possible to connect two lcd displays to one board or do I need one board per lcd?

    Thanks again for your help.


    Elias Othitis
  • Ok, having that said, it would it work for other midi messages too right? Like Pitch bends (is the tracks volumes) and notes.
    It works with any MIDI message.
    And is it possible to connect any lcd size to that board? I would like to connect larger size like 2x24 displays. And is it possible to connect two lcd displays to one board or do I need one board per lcd?
    It's possible to connect any LCD size from 8x2 to 40x2 (any LCD with only one Enable Pin). Now if you want to connect more than one LCD to Midilickuino you need to use Board connector as Enable Pin for others LCDs.
    Have a look here ... 1-arduino/ This guy connect 4 LCD to one Arduino.

    Best regards,
  • Hello and thanks again for your time.

    Very helpful! :)
    Sorry for all the hassle here..

    I have one more question. Ok, after searching for arduini boards I found that there are several boards.. I dont know what I should get. Do they all do the job?

    there is the Arduino UNO, the arduino UNO R2, Arduino R3 and the SMD

    In the tutorial in your site, it doesnt state what board its using.

    Thanks again!
  • Dear EliasO,

    You can use any of this Arduino Board: Uno (R2, R3 or SMD), Duemilanove, Leonardo, Mega and any of non-official Arduino clone you can find on Ebay.
    But the simple way is to get an Arduino Uno.

    Best regards,
    Best regards,
  • I know this is an old thread, but I'm curious EliasO if you ever managed to get your BCF2000 track headers up and running. I'm spent a fair bit of time recently parsing out the MIDI stream between the unit and Sonar X3 and am looking to build some hardware in the next couple of months.