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tempo and scale problem.

Posted: Jun 5th, '16, 18:42
by morelius21

my yocto work well but it has two problems.

1.Tap tempo or tempo: I can't change the tempo. The encoder work well because i can unmute and roll.

2. The scale leds is always on but i can change the scale.

Any idea ?

thanks peole

best regards

Re: tempo and scale problem.

Posted: Sep 25th, '16, 11:22
by pfaffian
Did you solve this? I'm having the tempo issue.

Re: tempo and scale problem.

Posted: Oct 30th, '16, 13:08
by morelius21

i can't solve this problem, all instruments work and sequencer run but i can't not change the tempo.
i tested the next:
1.The voltage in encoder is ok and the switch go to the IC7.
2. i changed the atmega and repograming it. I have the same problem.
3 i changed the IC7 but nothing
4. I try to sync whit ableton live but the yocto no detect the tempo.

in this moment i'm lost :(

any idea?


Re: tempo and scale problem.

Posted: Nov 3rd, '16, 23:32
by morelius21

any idea?
