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Yocto 1.0c firmware issues - MidiSync [SOLVED]

Posted: Jan 22nd, '16, 05:17
by pistrix
There seem to still be major problems with Midi Sync with 1.0c firmware.

I have tested on two Yocto's to confirm it's the firmware that has issues..

When midi-synced:

Issue 1 - Pattern Midi-Sync Rolling. All sounds roll at a boosted volume, between the normal volume and accented volume. If an accented sound is rolled, the sound's volume goes above even the accented volume. Rolling the accent seems to work correctly: If you roll the accent while also rolling an un-accented sound, it rolls at accented volume as you'd expect. If you roll the accent while also rolling an already accented sound, it rolls at accented volume level.

This firmware seems to have fixed the previous issue of low-volume rolling, but introduces a too-high volume rolling issue to midi sync.

Issue 2 - Rimshot & Cowbell. Both becomes dramatically quieter AND PITCHED UP when midi synced in both Pattern Midi Sync & Track Midi Sync. I'd consider this a major issue.

There may be other issues as well. I can't test the Din Sync.

Can somebody else confirm these issues with 1.0c?

Re: Yocto 1.0c firmware issues - MidiSync

Posted: Jan 22nd, '16, 06:49
by pistrix
Nevermind, I guess the firmware wasnt actually updated -- sending with Midi-OX at slow speed seems to have corrected it. Now there is no roll function at all when externally synced, which makes sense I guess, and the rim & cowbell sound as they should. Sorry for the false-alarm, feel free to remove this topic