2 Lickogic + 2 Dilicktal

Here we talk about e-licktronic projects (hardware, software) like SquareSeq, Ablickton...
  • Dear riki,

    Could you describe the problem you got. It will be easier to help you.

    Best regards,
    Best regards,
  • Hi,
    thanks for the reply.

    This is the code that I use for 2 Lickogic + 2 Dilicktal

    But continues to send MIDI messages and LEDs stay on.
    I changed the
    "button_momentary" array
    "byte pressed [16], just_pressed [16];"

    Code: Select all

    #include <SRIO.h>
    #include <PotMUX.h>
    //librairies constructors
    PotMUX Pot;
    SRIO SR;
    //Number of connected potentiometers
    #define NUMPOT 16
    //communication mode 0=serial  1=MIDI  2=USB
    //Midi channel
    #define MIDI_CHANNEL 1
    //Pin number of the toggle button
    byte button_toggle_Pin[]={
    //Array of the momentary button pin organize to match with Ableton clip configuration
    uint8_t button_momentary[2][8]={
        0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14  }
        1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }
    boolean button_momentary_state;
    byte last_button_momentary[8];
    byte previous_button_momentary[8];
    // we will track if a button is just pressed, or 'currently pressed' 
    byte pressed[16], just_pressed[16];
    // Simple count to remember the number of push of the toggle button
    byte count[sizeof(button_toggle_Pin)]={
    //potentiometers variables
    uint32_t old_Pot_Value[NUMPOT];
    uint32_t pot_Value[NUMPOT];
    uint16_t buffer_pot_value[10];
    //flag's mute button to be "ON" at start
    boolean flag=1;
    void setup() 
      SR.Initialize();//initialize SRIO librairy
      Pot.Initialize();//initialize PotMUX librairy
      switch (COMMUNICATION_MODE){
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
      //Led animation start
      for (byte x=0;x<2;x++){
        for (byte i=0; i<7;i++){
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (button_momentary[0][i],1);
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (button_momentary[1][i],1);
          delay (40);
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (button_momentary[0][i-2],0);
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (button_momentary[1][i-2],0);
        for (byte i=7; i>0;i--){
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (button_momentary[0][i-1],1);
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (button_momentary[1][i-1],1);
          delay (40);
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (button_momentary[0][i+2],0);
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (button_momentary[1][i+2],0);
    void loop() 
      check_switches();      // when we check the switches we'll get the current state
      if (SR.Button_SR_Read(7) > 0 || SR.Button_SR_Read(6) > 0 || flag==1 ){
        for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(button_toggle_Pin); i++){ //Scan as many time as toggle button
          if (just_pressed[button_toggle_Pin[i]] || flag==1){ //pressed?
            count[i]++; //if pressed count++
            switch (count[i])
            case 1:                              // if counter ==1 Led "ON" and send MIDI message      
              Send_CC (button_toggle_Pin[i],127);
            case 2:                              // if counter ==2 Led "OFF" and send MIDI message     
              Send_CC (button_toggle_Pin[i],0);
              count[i] = 0;   // initialize counter
      for(byte i =0;i<8;i++){
        for(byte j=0;j<7;j++){
          // button_momentary_state = SR.Button_Pin_Read(button_momentary[i][j]);
            last_button_momentary[i] = button_momentary[i][j];
            if(last_button_momentary[i] != previous_button_momentary[i]){
              Send_CC (last_button_momentary[i],127);
              Send_CC (last_button_momentary[i],127);
      for (byte i=0; i<NUMPOT; i++){
        pot_Value[i] = Pot.Read(i)>>3;//convert 10bits to 7bits
        if (abs (pot_Value[i] - old_Pot_Value[i])>1){//value pot changed? 
          int data = map(pot_Value[i],3,123,0,127);// map to right midi value 0,127 due to the bad ADC and bad power stability
          data = constrain(data,0,127);
          Send_CC (i+64,data); 
          old_Pot_Value[i] = pot_Value[i];
    //Function that scan state of each button (code from Adafruit tutoriel)
    void check_switches()
      static byte previousstate[16];
      static byte currentstate[16];
      //Check switch en  toggle Mode
      for (byte index = 0; index < 64; index++){
        just_pressed[index] = 0;       // when we start, we clear out the "just" indicators
        currentstate[index] = SR.Button_Pin_Read(index);   // read the button
        if (currentstate[index] == previousstate[index]){
          if ((pressed[index] == LOW) && (currentstate[index] == HIGH)){ 
            just_pressed[index] = 1;
          pressed[index] = currentstate[index];  // remember, digital LOW means NOT pressed
        previousstate[index] = currentstate[index];   // keep a states of the buttons
    void Send_CC(byte num_CC, byte value)
      Serial.write (176+MIDI_CHANNEL-1);// "control change" message on selected MIDI_CHANNEL
      Serial.write (num_CC);
      Serial.write (value);
  • can somebody help me please?
  • Dear riki,

    The problem on your code is that you're checking the wrong Register: if (SR.Button_SR_Read(7) > 0 || SR.Button_SR_Read(6) > 0
    If you only have two connected Dilicktal you couldn't check SR(7) and (6). you need to check SR(0) and (1).

    If you got the last update of SRIO and Potmux libraries you don't need the constructors too.
    Have a look on this code:
    #include <SRIO.h>
    #include <PotMUX.h>

    //librairies constructors
    //PotMUX Pot;
    //SRIO SR;

    // DEBUG mode 
    #define DEBUG 1

    //Number of connected potentiometers
    #define NUMPOT 16

    //communication mode 0=serial  1=MIDI  2=USB
    //Midi channel

    #define MIDI_CHANNEL 1

    //Pin number of the toggle button
    byte button_toggle_Pin[]={

    boolean button_momentary_state;
    byte last_button_momentary[8];
    byte previous_button_momentary[8];

    // we will track if a button is just pressed, or 'currently pressed'
    byte pressed[16], just_pressed[16];

    // Simple count to remember the number of push of the toggle button
    byte count[sizeof(button_toggle_Pin)]={

    //potentiometers variables
    uint32_t old_Pot_Value[NUMPOT];
    uint32_t pot_Value[NUMPOT];
    uint16_t buffer_pot_value[10];

    //flag's mute button to be "ON" at start
    boolean flag=1;

    void setup()
      SR.Initialize();//initialize SRIO librairy
      Pot.Initialize();//initialize PotMUX librairy
      switch (COMMUNICATION_MODE){
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:

      //Led animation start
      for (byte x=0;x<16;x++){
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (x,1);
          delay (40);
          SR.Led_Pin_Write (x-1,0);


    void loop()
      check_switches();      // when we check the switches we'll get the current state

      if (SR.Button_SR_Read(0) > 0 || SR.Button_SR_Read(1) > 0){
        for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(button_toggle_Pin); i++){ //Scan as many time as toggle button
          if (just_pressed[button_toggle_Pin] ){ //pressed?
            count++; //if pressed count++
            switch (count)
            case 1: // if counter ==1 Led "ON" and send MIDI message
              Send_CC (button_toggle_Pin,127);
            case 2: // if counter ==2 Led "OFF" and send MIDI message
              Send_CC (button_toggle_Pin,0);
              count = 0;   // initialize counter

      for (byte i=0; i<NUMPOT; i++){
        pot_Value = Pot.Read(i)>>3;//convert 10bits to 7bits
        if (abs (pot_Value - old_Pot_Value[i])>1){//value pot changed?
          int data = map(pot_Value[i],3,123,0,127);// map to right midi value 0,127 due to the bad ADC and bad power stability
          data = constrain(data,0,127);
          Send_CC (i+64,data);
          old_Pot_Value[i] = pot_Value[i];


    //Function that scan state of each button (code from Adafruit tutoriel)
    void check_switches()
      static byte previousstate[16];
      static byte currentstate[16];
      //Check switch en toggle Mode
      for (byte index = 0; index < 16; index++){
        just_pressed[index] = 0;       // when we start, we clear out the "just" indicators
        currentstate[index] = SR.Button_Pin_Read(index); // read the button
        if (currentstate[index] == previousstate[index]){
          if ((pressed[index] == LOW) && (currentstate[index] == HIGH)){
            just_pressed[index] = 1;
          pressed[index] = currentstate[index];  // remember, digital LOW means NOT pressed
        previousstate[index] = currentstate[index];   // keep a states of the buttons

    void Send_CC(byte num_CC, byte value)
      if (DEBUG){
        Serial.print ("CC Nbr:");// "control change" message on selected MIDI_CHANNEL
        Serial.print (num_CC,DEC);
        Serial.print(" Value:");
        Serial.println (value,DEC);

        Serial.write (176+MIDI_CHANNEL-1);// "control change" message on selected MIDI_CHANNEL
        Serial.write (num_CC);
        Serial.write (value);

    Best regards,
    Best regards,
  • Hi,
    thanks for the reply!

    I've updated the library and I used the code you suggested, but I get this error in HairlessMIDI:

    +2.507 - Error: got unexpected data byte 0x0.
    +2.511 - Error: got unexpected data byte 0x0.

    I work with mac 10.7.5
  • Dear rikki,

    You need to change DEBUG value by 0 and COMMUNICATION_MODE by 2.
    Debug is use to print value in Arduino serial monitor. Have a look on Send_CC function.

    Best regards,
    Best regards,
  • Ok, sorry but I am a novice!
    Thank you very much
  • No problem ;)
    Best regards,