I built my first Yocto v2.0 a month ago and it sounded amazing. So good in fact that a friend of mine just beg me to sell to him

So, I sold it and now I am going to build a second one to myself. But this time I've got a case that has extra holes for all the "optional/NC" knobs and switches that are on the board.
I was hoping for a new "Cocteau" board, but looks like that is never coming, and the PCB already have spots for a bunch of extra pots and switches. So, I was wondering, what are the suggested mods to make using the available extra pots/switches on the board? Here is my current "incomplete" list, but fell free to suggest whatever:
POT1) Cannot choose between:
- Endless/Extended Decay -- replaced R170 (470k) with 370k resistor in series with a 100k potentiometer.
- BassDrum Tuning Envelope -- replaced R166 (6.8k) with a 5k potentiometer in series with a 2k resistor
POT2) - Tuning -- replaced R165 (47k) with 100k potentiometer (audio/log preferably)
POT1) ?
POT2) ?
POT1) noise level = R216 (?)
POT2) tuning = R231 (?)
--- Also there is mods for Reverb and Decay but they are weird on "Conga" mode... Not sure which mods are more useful here
POT1) noise level = R245 (?)
POT2) tuning = R257 (?)
--- Also there is mods for Reverb and Decay but they are weird on "Conga" mode... Not sure which mods are more useful here
POT1) noise level = R273 (?)
POT2) tuning = R284 (?)
--- Also there is mods for Reverb and Decay but they are weird on "Conga" mode... Not sure which mods are more useful here
POT1) ?
--- Cannot choose between all those possible mods:
RS Tune 1*
RS Tune 2/CL Tune*
RS Filter
POT1) ?
POT2) ?
--- Cannot choose between all those possible mods:
CB Tune 1* (OSC 1 Tune)
CB Tune 2* (OSC 2 Tune)
CB Filter
CB Decay (normal)
CB Decay (long)
POT1) filter -- replaced R153* (2.7k) with a 10k potentiometer in series with a 1k resistor
POT1) filter -- replaced R147* (2.7k) with a 10k potentiometer in series with a 1k resistor
POT2) ?
SWT1) ?
Thanks all for any suggestions!