Nava Schematic Errors [SOLVED ON V1.01]

Discuss Nava construction and related issues
  • seeing this is not exciting considering I just ordered a kit, wondering if I should cancel my order...
  • xone wrote:seeing this is not exciting considering I just ordered a kit, wondering if I should cancel my order...
    You're definitely better off now than we were a couple of months ago! But I would advise reading all big threads in the Nava Hardware section on this forum before you start, and making notes of remarks people have made for what's wrong in the build guide, etc.

    I guess the fact that Vincent was on vacation the past month doesn't help with this feeling, but still, we've been asking for a pdf of the traces for ages and still nothing without a reason for this refusal.
  • Some errors in the pcb wouldn't bother me if there was a comprehensive build guide that addresses all needed fixes.

    Maybe there will be by the time I get started on it
    I just updated the firmware to V1.8 and the Feedback loop on the Snare is gone or at least seems to be.
    I switched the NAVA on and off a few times and played with the Snare and Snare Pattern. It sounds good btw after the transistor fix.
    Strangely my High-Tom is much louder than the others not the Mid-TOM as some people report here!
  • beeb wrote:
    xone wrote:seeing this is not exciting considering I just ordered a kit, wondering if I should cancel my order...
    You're definitely better off now than we were a couple of months ago! But I would advise reading all big threads in the Nava Hardware section on this forum before you start, and making notes of remarks people have made for what's wrong in the build guide, etc.

    I guess the fact that Vincent was on vacation the past month doesn't help with this feeling, but still, we've been asking for a pdf of the traces for ages and still nothing without a reason for this refusal.
    +1 for getting pdf with traces - then at least the forum could help each other much better.
    And yes - this kit ran way more expensive than first figured, think I have put down 3 extra orders. :|
  • Mid Tom is quieter! The high tom is loud indeed but not much more than low Tom
  • just to be sure about Q43, 46 and 49

    ( _ )

    is this the correct pin out ?
    The feedback loop is still there! I turned the NAVA on again and it was there again!
    So it has nothing to do with the firmware unfortunately! It seems to come and go randomly.
  • Check Mate wrote:UPDATE:
    I just updated the firmware to V1.8 and the Feedback loop on the Snare is gone or at least seems to be.
    I switched the NAVA on and off a few times and played with the Snare and Snare Pattern. It sounds good btw after the transistor fix.
    Strangely my High-Tom is much louder than the others not the Mid-TOM as some people report here!

    To not confuse people
    : there is no firmware 1.8.
    The latest one is: v1.018

    No one reported a louder mid tom.
    Low volume on the MID Tom is the problem we all have.