Nava Schematic Errors [SOLVED ON V1.01]

Discuss Nava construction and related issues
  • Are there some bugs?
  • how does the bass drum sound? because even with the fix on 1.0, it still doesn't sound clean, there is no more constant buzz, but buzz at every kick...
  • Data Jam wrote:how does the bass drum sound? because even with the fix on 1.0, it still doesn't sound clean, there is no more constant buzz, but buzz at every kick...
    Mine sounds perfect. First I did the mistake to solder a cable between P1 and P1' on the solder/ top side. The cable was sitting directly on the board and there was constand buzz again. Then I changed it like this and now there is absolutely no buzz, even when the BD hits.

  • Oh I put mine flush using a resistor leg. Will this buzz?
  • The new kit 1.01 should be corrected, no?

    I'm waiting again more come back because I feel that there is few bugs again... somebody could say me if the new kit is 100% right. I would like a kit without "bridge" or "invert lug", or whatever else, please. I would like a kit that it works good, because we pay 320 euros for a good kit and not a kit that we have to repair. Isn't it?

    Nava is not a communauty project like tr9090. It's a commercial projet. So I think that the product must work if we don't make mystake. So it doesn't work. Why?
    The pcb is sometime defected? Some parts are defected? So, we can think that parts send by e-licktronic are not verified.

    If a kit doesn't work, we can ask to go back and obtain a new kit or payback. In France, there is law and guaranty.

    Nava coasts 320 euros! It's not free. And like a consummer who pays merchandize, we can want a product that it doesn't need to repair by ourselves. When I buy a part of computer (mothercard, drive, alim, devices etc), all parts work! I don't need to trinkering the parts!

    I don't understand why the enginer sell defected kits.

    Does somebody tell me why? And why does everybody think it's ok?
  • AE.Records wrote:The new kit 1.01 should be corrected, no?

    I'm waiting again more come back because I feel that there is few bugs again... somebody could say me if the new kit is 100% right. I would like a kit without "bridge" or "invert lug", or whatever else, please. I would like a kit that it works good, because we pay 320 euros for a good kit and not a kit that we have to repair. Isn't it?

    Nava is not a communauty project like tr9090. It's a commercial projet. So I think that the product must work if we don't make mystake. So it doesn't work. Why?
    The pcb is sometime defected? Some parts are defected? So, we can think that parts send by e-licktronic are not verified.

    If a kit doesn't work, we can ask to go back and obtain a new kit or payback. In France, there is law and guaranty.

    Nava coasts 320 euros! It's not free. And like a consummer who pays merchandize, we can want a product that it doesn't need to repair by ourselves. When I buy a part of computer (mothercard, drive, alim, devices etc), all parts work! I don't need to trinkering the parts!
    AE records,

    The Nava kit V1.01 is corrected. If you get a bad part in your kit we replace it, simply contact:
    It happens sometime that a old stock parts we received was defected. :?
    If you are not happy with our product, you can send your kit back then we refund your order as soon as we receive it. ;)

    Best regards,
    Best regards,
  • Thank you

    I was worried because many people have worries with their nava
  • I'm just ordering the parts order for my 1.0 kit and wondering if you would accept a return of the 1.0 PCBs in exchange for the 1.01 PCBs?
    I'm super confused by the errors on 1.0 as there is no clear and simple breakdown of them provided on the website or forum yet.
    E-licktronic, could you please make a sticky post listing all the 1.0 bugs with clear and concise fixes?
  • DrRek wrote:I'm just ordering the parts order for my 1.0 kit and wondering if you would accept a return of the 1.0 PCBs in exchange for the 1.01 PCBs?
    I'm super confused by the errors on 1.0 as there is no clear and simple breakdown of them provided on the website or forum yet.
    E-licktronic, could you please make a sticky post listing all the 1.0 bugs with clear and concise fixes?
    Afaik the first pcb (v1.0l) has 3 bugs, all of them are highlighted in red in the build guide and are easy to fix.

    BD: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=889&start=50#p6085
    SD: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=970&hilit=snare+q43&start=40#p5823
    Master: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=850&hilit=master+m ... t=10#p4855