Discuss mods, hacks, tweaks, etc.
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- Joined: Dec 19th, '15, 17:12
pistrix wrote:Its surprisingly quiet here in the mods section. Has anyone else been experimenting?
Here are the ones I've done (& recommend fully!), most from
http://xlargex.xl.funpic.de/ (which seems to be offline/gone at the moment..):
BassDrum Endless/Extended Decay -- replaced R170 (470k) with 370k resistor in series with a 100k potentiometer. then i set the potentiometer to the 'sweet spot', where the extra decay sounded best to me, and measured the resistance of the 370k resistor plus the resistance of the potentiometer setting. on my Yocto, 445k was the nicest value for self-oscillating/extreme decay

. then i removed the 370k resistor and potentiometer from R170, and finally replaced R170 with an SPDT switch that selects between a 470k resistor (the original value/normal setting) and 445k (the 'sweet spot' for extra decay i measured, using a few resistors to achieve the 445k value).
BassDrum Tuning -- replaced R165 (47k) with SPDT switch that selects between original value (47k) and a 100k potentiometer (audio/log preferably)
BassDrum Tuning Envelope -- replaced R166 (6.8k) with SPDT switch that selects between original value (6.8k) and a 5k potentiometer in series with a 2k resistor. (in combination with the tuning mod, this mod enables some nice extra-punchy bass drums!)
Clap Noise Offset -- replaced the 10k trimpot in the clap section with 10k potentiometer..
Closed Hihat filter -- replaced R147* (2.7k) with an SPDT switch that selects between original value (2.7k) and a 10k potentiometer in series with a 1k resistor
Open Hihat filter -- replaced R153* (2.7k) with an SPDT switch that selects between original value (2.7k) and a 10k potentiometer in series with a 1k resistor
These sounds great -do you have any pictures of the bass drum tuning mods by any chance?
- Posts 17
- Joined: Dec 19th, '15, 17:12
I did the following, both sound excellent:
BassDrum Tuning -- replaced R165 (47k) with SPDT switch that selects between original value (47k) and a 100k potentiometer (audio/log preferably)
BassDrum Tuning Envelope -- replaced R166 (6.8k) with SPDT switch that selects between original value (6.8k) and a 5k potentiometer in series with a 2k resistor. (in combination with the tuning mod, this mod enables some nice extra-punchy bass drums!
The tuning especially is essential i think.
Here's my ugly-but-effective wiring:
- Posts 90
- Joined: Oct 7th, '14, 13:40
I just tried to lower the decay of the cymbal cause i wanted it to be shorter. No rocket science here, I used a toggle that switch between original value of R93 (470k) to 47k, works pretty well. The minimum decay of the cymbal is nearly the same as the open hihat when set to minimum value now.
- Posts 298
- Joined: May 12th, '14, 14:48
I just recovered a little text I did copy from somewhere on the web.
clap reverb mod
replace r376 (47k) with 100k pot
This will vary the reverb between full and completely off.
C144 must have the correct polarity.. neg to gnd
you have to trim TM3 to get a handclap sound of your choice
- Posts 268
- Joined: Jan 26th, '16, 21:30
conor wrote:I did the following, both sound excellent:
BassDrum Tuning -- replaced R165 (47k) with SPDT switch that selects between original value (47k) and a 100k potentiometer (audio/log preferably)
BassDrum Tuning Envelope -- replaced R166 (6.8k) with SPDT switch that selects between original value (6.8k) and a 5k potentiometer in series with a 2k resistor. (in combination with the tuning mod, this mod enables some nice extra-punchy bass drums!
The tuning especially is essential i think.
Here's my ugly-but-effective wiring:
Don't you get a shitload of hum now with all those wires?
- Posts 87
- Joined: Oct 26th, '16, 02:55
biagio.massimo wrote:gihaume wrote:Still from the TR-8060 partslist:
Reverb Level:
LO - 100k Potentiometer for R232 (100k)
MED - 100k Potentiometer for R261 (100k)
LO - 100k Potentiometer for R288 (100k)
LO - 1ma Potentiometer + 470k in series for R230 (820k)
MID - 1ma Potentiometer + 470k in series for R259 (820k)
HI - 1ma Potentiometer + 470k in series for R286 (820k)
The issue is that the decay mod sounds horrible on the conga, so a solution is using a pole and throw of the tom/conga selection switch to shortcut the mod when the conga is selected.
in theory is a false problem because when the pot is set to minumum, the sound is the original conga, or no?
the 1ma pot, you can post a link??
and why sounds are terrible?
you can post audio/video if u have?
For the low tom, one could put a pot between C77 and the switch pole to increase the tom decay. This would leave the conga side alone. Take a look at the schematic, below.

Of course, this will only enable one to lengthen the decay and not shorten it. Less work, but less functionality! This concept can be taken to the other tom drums - they all basically work the same.
- Posts 54
- Joined: Jan 4th, '14, 01:50
If you are looking to mod your YOCTO v1, then check out the PCB I've developed, named Cocteau. It adds 34 pots and 24 switches to the front panel of your YOCTO. The details are here:
https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewt ... p?t=179813
^^...and, helectromagneticus, one of Cocteau's features is both shortened and lengthened decay of the Tom AND the Conga

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- Location: Bristol, UK
Cocteau looks great effegee!