Crash Voice Issue - Triggers on Every Beat

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  • Here's a schematic for an older version of the board. But hopefully it will help. ... achment=48

    It helped me pin down a bad trace in the sequencer section.
  • I used the 1.0l schematics and did some continuity testing.
    I was hoping to find an extra, erroneous trace between Crash cap C50 and an Trigger output other than IC112 Pin 7 but there wasn't any connection.
    I traced the signal coming in on C50 and it went everywhere it said it should in the Crash schematic, and nowhere it didn't seem it shouldn't.
    I reinitialized and it still triggers on every step. I had my headphones in when initializing the EEPROM and got a weird mix of tone and noise in the main outs during the process - is that normal?
    Anyone have any clues why it's triggering on every step?