Gate Triggers don't properly trigger...

Discuss Nava construction and related issues
  • Anyone can test the trigger?
  • I have my trig out permanently connected to my 101 and it's been solid.
    You have a scope to check trig voltage or another device with trig out to verify the 101 input is ok?
  • Ok, tested it again and it works fine on the SH-101 when connected to the Gate input. However, it behaves like stated above when connected to the Clock input on the SH-101 or Juno 60. Is the gate voltage from the Nava too low to use as a clock trigger?

  • I've been using the clock input.
    The 101 service manual says 2.5 V or higher for both clock and gate.
    The Nava trig out is supposed to 5V but I haven't actually measured it.
    If you can verify that your Nava trig out is actually 5V, then I would guess that your 101 clock input needs repair.
  • I gonna double check the Voltage of the Nava trig out...
  • I have the same problem too. I cannot trigger the clock of SH-101. I have a very low Trig-1 output voltage which is way below 2.5v, I have 0.07v only. Which part of the Nava should I check to see if there is a problem?
  • My Nava output a 5V trigger, and it's not enough for my MFOS ADSR that requires 10V, i need to amplify it through a VCA in order to trig the ADSR. I looked at the schematic to see if it's possible to output 10V using the existing circuit, but I don't think it can be achieved without adding an additional op amp. But it's not the subject here haha. wrote: Which part of the Nava should I check to see if there is a problem?
    The 5V S-trig is generated at pin 38 of the Atmega (IC119), but i doubt there would be a problem here, you can check anyway. You should have a signal that is 5V, then goes to 0V at every trigger.
    After that, it goes to pin 3 of J2 connector, be sure to check that the wire isn't broken.
    Then, the pin 3 of J10 connector on the IO board is connected to a 47k res (R550) which is part of an inverter circuit with the 2N3906 (Q66), 22k res (R551) and 1k res (R552) (to get a V-trig from the S-trig provided by the Atmega). Check if resistors value/transistor orientation are correct, if solder joints are good and if it's the case, maybe the 2N3906 is faulty.
    Last edited by BastienL on Nov 14th, '16, 05:28, edited 1 time in total.
  • BastienL wrote:
    The 5V S-trig is generated at pin 38 of the Atmega (IC119), but i doubt there would be a problem here, you can check anyway.
    After that, it goes to pin 3 of J2 connector, be sure to check that the wire isn't broken.
    Then, the pin 3 of J10 connector on the IO board is connected to a 47k res (R550) which is part of an inverter circuit with the 2N3906 (Q66), 22k res (R551) and 1k res (R552) (to get a V-trig from the S-trig provided by the Atmega). Check if resistor value/transistor orientation is correct, if solder joint are good and if it's the case, maybe the 2N3906 is faulty.
    Thanks Bastien, maybe I need to trace through that path ...
    Last edited by on Nov 20th, '16, 11:54, edited 1 time in total.
  • Hi Bastien,

    I have trace through the path. Here is what I found:

    1) pin 38 of the Atmega (IC119) is giving 4.80v. *** But I don't see any significant drop of voltage to 0v on triggers
    2) pin 3 of J2 connector is giving 4.80v
    3) pin 3 of J10 connector on the IO board is giving 4.80v
    4) The C leg of 2N3906 (Q66) has a reading of 4.80v
    5) The B leg of 2N3906 (Q66) has a reading of 4.80v
    6) The E leg of 2N3906 (Q66) has a reading of 0.08v
    7) 1k res (R552) has a reading of 0.08v
    8) 22k res (R551) has a reading of 0.08v
    9) 47k res (R550) has a reading of 4.86v

    I have replace the Transistor 2N3906 to a new one. But nothing change, I am still having a low voltage of around 0.08v at the Trig-1. And I am still stuck here.

    And I have tested all resistor, they are giving the right ohm. The Transistor is in the right orientation.

    what should I do next?

    Please help.
    Last edited by on Nov 20th, '16, 11:54, edited 3 times in total.