Nava v1.0 metal Box [WAITING LIST]

Discuss Nava construction and related issues
  • AGAIN;

    I sent you a email HappyMum but have had no reply or PayPal invoice.

    Please confirm.

    Thanks :)
  • Hi everybody,

    I know I put your patience to the test :oops:
    To reassure the minds ,there are potentially 199 boxes
    I insist on the "potentially" because some boxes have defects
    Negotiations are underway with the manufacturer

    Actually just the first 107 "forum name" on the waiting list have received an email
    I shortly send an email at the other personn until stock is over ;)
  • HappyMum wrote:Hi everybody,

    I know I put your patience to the test :oops:
    To reassure the minds ,there are potentially 199 boxes
    I insist on the "potentially" because some boxes have defects
    Negotiations are underway with the manufacturer

    Actually just the first 107 "forum name" on the waiting list have received an email
    I shortly send an email at the other personn until stock is over ;)
    Great news! Thanks for dealing with all of us ravenous diyers, look forward to your email! 8-)
  • Hi HappyMum and the others,

    I'm desperatly waiting for your email...
    Do you have any news please about those after the 107?

  • Looks amazing!! Building my kit as we speak, should be done in a day or two and will desperately want a nice house like this. I already have the rubber feet and screen and all included in the BOM.. Is it possible to purchase without those parts? And do I need to do anything other than add my name/email to the google doc?
  • GryphonP3 wrote:I already have the rubber feet and screen and all included in the BOM.. Is it possible to purchase without those parts?
    The box only comes with an acrylic window to put on top of the screen, that's it. The feet you should (and you do) already have so they won't be provided.

    Putting your info in the spreadsheet is enough for now!
  • Got the email, replied, haven't heard back so far. Are the invoice being sent out already? I'm really looking forward to get a box :)
  • I'm #179 so as long as the defect rate is below 10% I'm in with a chance?! Fingers crossed!
  • spneca wrote:I also have not received a PayPal invoice.
    HappyMum clearly stated that she won't send PayPal invoices (which is not mandatory anyway to use the service).
    Prices with different PayPal methods and shipping rates by zone have been mentionned earlier in the thread so, if and only if you are among the people who received an email from her, then you are supposed to reply the email with your information and send payment directly (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).