a few ? about my finished yocto and leds lighting (RESOLVED)

Discuss Yocto construction and related issues
  • Check all the ics in the sequencer section to make sure they're all soldered properly and in the right direction. That's probably a good starting point.

    *edit* Just saw your other post with the same advice. :D
  • Thanks for the tip. A good friend told me I should have socketed all the IC's and I brushed him off...big mistake...Really wish I would have done that. Lesson learned. I know it would increase the cost of the kit and isn't necessary to get the yocto to work but I think it would be a good idea to mention it in the build instructions for motivated but unexperienced diyers of projects of this scale(like me!). Dont' get me wrong, I find some sort of sadistic pleasure having to go through everything to find the fault(s). I learn a lot more about electronics then if it would have fired up instantly. :D
  • Is there a good way to test the sequencer Ic's to see if they are fried? I have gone back through and reflowed the solder on the Ic's and it still isn't working. It seems like something is resetting because after I have powered up using 1,3, and 5 to boot into sysex mode. If I press the step buttons again after a minute or two the steps lights will flash twice just like when i powered it on...I'm not sure if this is normal or something that points me into the direction of the problem?
  • Hurray! 75% of my issues have been sorted out. Ic4 wasn't completed seated against the circuit board. I desoldered it and added a socket and reseated the chip. Presto, when I went into sysex mode and dumped the firmware I saw flashing lights. Firmware has been burned! OHH is working properly and leds are all lit.I definitely need to tune some of the voices. The only thing that doesn't seem to be working is the clap.