Exploring other enclosure options.

Discuss Yocto construction and related issues
  • I would be interested in a painted metal enclosure if that is still possible.
  • To clarify, I am NOT taking orders for the printed enclosure at this time, only for the ones without print.
  • Can't PM yet but I would like to buy an enclosure without print. Just PM me the details. Thanks!
  • Due to the low demand for the unprinted boxes I'm planning to have overlays made with the design I used for the printed enclosures. This way you can still get a metal enclosure for a lower price and with the custom design. I should have news about the price for these overlays next week.
  • I would be interested in a metal case but I can still send messages PM ......
    I live in Switzerland if I can contact you to see if they provide one for me.
    thanks a lot.
  • It would be wonderful if you know something by next week I did not because I'm finishing frettta TTSH and I get the PCBs Monday and I still have to control all the pieces because I want to use pieces of quality, not 5% resistors.
    But if you can just always realizare the cases you take it I have already asked the edges wooden ....... I'm sorry but I did not read the post above .....
  • I'll be super keen for a painted metal case. Can't PM 'cos I'm too new here though :|
  • After some research it seems the manufacturing of overlays will be much too expensive to provide a good price for the enclosures, so right now I'm looking for a company that can print on them.

    So right now I'm not taking orders anymore, not for the unprinted cases nor the printed ones. As always, keep an eye on the thread for any developments.
  • hi, I'm new to this board and cannot send PMs :)
    if you don't mind me I would like to ask for the illustrator file to make my own enclosure? :-)

    thx in advance!