Build guide PDF (uploaded)

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  • Hey Ben,
    there's no PDF instructions available i'm afraid.
    Support is also kind of weak...
  • I started by sorting the components using the online guide, which is of course more practical than having a computer next to your soldering station. After doing that, I had the locations for all separate components written next to the actual components, so I just used the online build guide as a reference for the build order. You do double the work this way, but because of the large number of components and the crowded PCB, this pays off in the end.
  • Thanks both.

    I have built a x0xb0x, which i did in a similar manner, takes longer than a smaller PCB but much less room for error.

    I might try and get a PDF together from the webpages...

    Many thanks, Ben
  • In the latest batch the handclap section is different, does the parts list match up though the pictures are from an older run?
  • Does the revision printed on the PCB differ between the different batches? My PCB says v1.0, which I ordered about three weeks ago, and I wonder if that is the latest batch with updated handclap section etc.
  • Thanks for putting this together. Now I can save a copy for future reference.
  • Is this still valid? I mean.. After all the corrections to be found in the forum, etc?
    I have a v1.0 pcb board.
  • I have only turned that individual pages into one single pdf, for ease. i havent added any corrections etc. So this will only incorporate any changes elicktronic may have added at the time i made it (approx jan 12th 2015).

    I would be happy to update if people have 100% confirmed corrections.

    Ive not got round to building this yet tbh, but will be soon.
