Exploring other enclosure options.

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  • Thanks for the info. I thought i'd ask here so everyone has the info. I'm sure you'll get to 50 soon enough. I can't imagine anyone wanting any other case for this project, i think is as perfect as it can possibly get :)
    ElSchtroumpf wrote:The probability is 100%, the only thing that isn't sure yet is when you'll get them. This will depend on when I will have 50 enclosures ordered. Right now I have orders for 32 cases, I hope to have at least 45 by mid-January.

    @jeroenbvo thanks for that, I haven't had the chance to check myself, and my Yocto is still bot in its case :oops:
  • Definitely wanting that enclosure as well !! I'm in but I just would like to know how much it costs !
  • Hi ElSchtroumpf

    You can put me up for one of those metalcases too..
    Just ordered my kit..

  • Ok count me in for the enclosure.

    In fact i'll put info on Gearslutz forum about it. To gather more ppl.
  • @Don Solaris, I sent you a PM with the details a few weeks back, let me know if you haven't received it. I'll have a look on GS for your post.
  • Wow i must have missed that PM. Thanks will send you data!

    And here is the GS thread about it i've opened cpl of minutes ago:

    https://www.gearslutz.com/board/electro ... p-buy.html
  • Hi,

    I've held off on ordering the kit due to the fact that I would have to create my own enclosure. Please put me down for a metal enclosure. I assume I could order it at the same time as the kit itself?

  • Hi,

    I saw the post from Don over at Gearslutz.

    The details that Don gave there seemed to have an incorrect email address.

    I am unable to send you a PM here because I only just joined, and it says I need to participate more before I can use PMs.

    How do I contact you?

    I am interested in 1-2 enclosures.

  • I might be interested in an enclosure, put me down as a maybe for the minute, maybe give me a PM when you are ready to make the order, thanks...