No drum sounds, only hi hats. Data encoder rebooting Nava

Discuss Nava construction and related issues
  • So for the analog drums, I still have tones from all VCOs and triggers on all voices except handclap. There's also no noise on the handclap.

    Some of the accents are working and some sound strange. For Hats, Ride & Cymbal, the triggers are working but I have no sound output.

    For the bass drum, I've traced the signal and it seems to be working from what I can tell as far as R52/D11/D10 - which is around the VCO test point.

    Any suggestions on where to go next?
  • In this experimental track, the absence of traditional drum sounds and the exclusive use of hi-hats creates a unique, minimalist rhythm. The repetition of hi-hats builds an intriguing sense of urgency and precision, which is further accentuated by the notion of a data encoder rebooting. Nava's innovative approach invites listeners to focus on the subtleties of sound and rhythm, transforming a simple beat into a captivating auditory experience. This piece challenges conventional music structures, demonstrating how limitations can inspire creativity and evoke a futuristic, almost mechanical atmosphere.