Just in case anyone's interested I got an original BA662 chip to work in the Clap section using 2 SIL Sockets. The only pins that need to be reordered are 1, 3 and 4 going to 4, 1 and 3 on the PCB respectively.
BA662 mod for Clap
Nice, thanks.
A nice addition would be heat-shrink tubing.
A nice addition would be heat-shrink tubing.
How does it sound in comparison?
@ Thrash - you are rarely going to hear a difference between 662A and 6110 since these usually act as VCAs, though it's worthwhile if you're tying to be in keeping with the original circuit!
From memory I recall that there were slight differences in gain but I don't believe there is a difference in 'color'. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
From memory I recall that there were slight differences in gain but I don't believe there is a difference in 'color'. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
I have performed the modification and used BA662 in both cases, but I noticed a higher noise level on the claps output than with the 6110, so I reverted back to 6110 as I did not notice any sound difference.